A word from God is powerful. It can sustain. It can direct. It can encourage or give freedom. And, thankfully, we know that God speaks to us in many ways – and continues to do so, even to today.

But, as we look across the landscape, it seems like so many Christian leaders say they’re sharing what God has shown them, yet disagree amongst themselves, as though God might be unsure what He’s saying. And we know that God is not a God of confusion.

We know it’s important to hear from God. But how can we know that it’s really God’s voice?

As we continue the conversation we started with Terance Clark in the last episode, you’ll discover 

  • Why it seems like there’s so much contradiction.
  • What’s often missing in our spiritual disciplines.
  • Whose point of view really matters.
  • Some ways God can enlighten us to how we’re seeing things incorrectly.
  • What happens when we get ahead of what God’s revealed to us.
  • What might need to happen as we begin to hear from God.
  • What is often the source of self-promotion (hint: self-promotion isn’t a problem, it’s a symptom).
  • How God gives us rest.


About the Leadership Moment

Scott McClelland of Foundational Missions shares bite-sized insights into leadership, with a focus on the Bible, missions, and ministry. He pulls from a wide variety of sources and always has something to inspire and challenge us to greatness.