Success in business is a wonder-filled journey of the natural combining with the supernatural. In this episode, I talk about the concept of the ordinary meeting the extraordinary with Tim Flachman. Tim shares a powerful insight that compares the crossing of the Red Sea with starting and building a business.

Tim also shares about the upside of downturn (big downturn precedes big breakthrough), as well as the action of simply starting with what you have. We go on to discuss the possibility of knowing if it’s the right time and opportunity to sell your business. I found all the insights and wisdom, especially espousing your true identity, to be very uplifting. I hope you do as well.

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If you’re starting a business, you’re actually crossing a Red Sea… the water parted but the people walked on dry ground. There was a very natural component to their supernatural event… And so, when you apply that to people in business… God isn’t saying walk on the water, He’s saying, ‘Let Me part the waters’. It’s going to be a supernatural event… [but] in the midst of it, a lot of it felt pretty ordinary… There’s that component of just walking on dry ground. But you are walking on dry ground that wasn’t dry ground just a few minutes ago.

— Tim Flachman

What You’ll Learn

  • Baby steps of faith
  • Start with what you have
  • Walking on dry ground
  • The upside of downturn
  • Being prepared to sell your business
  • Espousing your true identity and aligning your operating beliefs

Recommended Resources

About Tim Flacchman

Tim Flachman is the Chief Operating Officer at Bepoz. An experienced executive of 25+ years, Tim is well-versed in all aspects of the Point of Sale industry. He has started and built technology businesses, and has expertise in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Marketing, Sales, Data Analytics, and Web platforms.

About The Leaders Moment

The world needs more great leaders, but leadership in God's Kingdom is upside down.

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