Table of Contents
Being a business owner takes dedication and determination. Your mettle will be tested on a regular basis. Some obstacles may even appear as though they’ll be the end of you. But with God and His wisdom, coupled with perseverance and a good dose of common sense, your business can grow and thrive.
In this episode, I talk about these realities with Dale Cooper, Founder, CEO and President of Xact Communications. When Dale was growing up, his father taught him that common sense would take him a whole lot further than any book learning ever could. His dad had quit school in 5th grade, and yet became a serial entrepreneur and was the smartest person Dale ever knew. As Dale shares more things he learned from his dad, a theme emerges: You will succeed if you simply commit to being a common sense entrepreneur who doesn't give up.
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“As an entrepreneur, you don’t have to have all the answers. But the one answer you have to have is that you’re not going to quit. And you just keep figuring it out… That’s where it goes into [what] my dad said about common sense… A lot of things is: you have to process through them… It just takes a while sometimes, but you figure it out.”
What You'll Learn
- A father’s wisdom
- Adapting with the times and technology
- Common sense for entrepreneurs
- Truly caring for and about customers
- Undercutting competitors doesn’t spell success
- What substantiates worth in business
Links and Resources
About Leaders Moment
The world needs more great leaders, but leadership in God's Kingdom is upside down. If you're looking for answers and insights from leaders who have served faithfully for years and decades, you've come to the right place. The FXMissions Leaders Moment podcast is for the everyday leader who's not chasing titles, accolades or personal gain. It's for the leader who wants to do the very best with what God's called them to, no matter how big or small it seems. Start listening today and see what God does with it!