Table of Contents
Mukwenda Kandole’s story is a powerful illustration of God’s providence and divine leading. It’s clear that God has had a special plan for him, and we can see it as we discover how carefully his parents chose even his name. But it starts before that, when his father was saved because a man from Dallas, Texas flew to Kenya, drove to Uganda, and “happened” to run into Mukwenda’s father and shared the Gospel with him.
From there, his father went to Bible college, where he met Mukwenda’s mother. After they were married, they went to Pennsylvania, where Mukwenda was born.
Mukwenda’s story similarly shows God’s guiding hand. While some might expect that being born into a ministry-focused family, Mukwenda may have moved into full-time missions work or other ministry, he has a passion for business. So, after spending time following in his father’s footsteps in ministry, he transitioned to entrepreneurship. However, as you discover when you listen, that’s only part of the story. God has done and continues to work powerfully through Mukwenda in the marketplace.
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“Jesus actually did not fulfill His potential. Jesus only fulfilled His assignment.”
Mukwenda Kandole
What You’ll Learn
- The story of how Mukwenda Kandole's father was converted to Christianity by a man from Dallas, Texas.
- What the name Mukwenda Kandole means, and where it came from
- What Mukwenda Kandole's business involves, and how he got started in it
- Kandole's thoughts on the role of faith in business and how it may impact the business world in the future.
Links and Resources
- Email Mukwenda:
- Spark Your Brand is Mukwenda’s business
- Connect with Mukwenda on Instagram: @mukwenda_kandole
About Mukwenda Kandole
Mukwenda Kandole is the founder of Spark, a brand consulting, video production, and digital marketing company. He has worked with businesses and nonprofits in the US and around the world, helping them to grow their brands and reach their audiences.
Mukwenda Kandole was born into a family of faith. His father was born again after a man from Dallas, Texas flew into Kenya and drove three days into Uganda to present the gospel to him. Kandole followed in his father's footsteps, working in missions and eventually starting his own business. Kandole's business, Spark, focuses on brand consulting, video production, and digital marketing for growing companies. Kandole sees himself as a forerunner in the faith-led business movement and is passionate about changing the world for Christ.
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The world needs more great leaders, but leadership in God's Kingdom is upside down.
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